
Computer Vision Senior Software Engineer
NVIDIA Switzerland
Feb 2018 – Present
Developing 3D Computer Vision software in C++, Python and CUDA

Research Assistant in Computer Vision
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich
Computer Vision Lab
Feb 2012 – Dec 2017 | 5 years 11 months
3D city modeling from street-side and aerial imagery (VarCity Project), 3D computer vision, geometry processing, point cloud and mesh processing, semantic segmentation, Multi-View Stereo (MVS), SfM (in Linux, Matlab, C++)
Publications in CVPR, ECCV, 3DV, ICPR, CVIU

Assistant Lecturer
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems
Sep 2008 – Sep 2011 | 3 years
Research in 3D computer vision, Development work of embedded systems HW & SW, Teaching courses in embedded systems & measurement technology, Organizing thesis defenses, Supervision of a dozen BSc/MSc theses

Research Assistant in Computer Vision
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Computer Science and Control
Systems and Control Lab
Sep 2005 – Dec 2008 | 3 years 4 months
Stereo vision based lane detection for Autonomous Driving, Reconstruction of the human cornea from imaged reflections, Camera calibration and optimization toolbox, FPGA-based image processing

Hardware Developer Intern
thyssenkrupp Presta Hungary
Hardware Group in Budapest
Jun 2004 – Jul 2005 | 1 year 1 month
Development of Electric Power-Assisted Steering (EPAS) systems: thermal analysis of servo motor & power stage, EMI Filter design, inverter & motor failure analysis
Short-term collaborations

Leuven, Belgium, Aug 2015
Collaboration on vision-based 3D spatial mapping technologies

SuperComputing Systems
Zurich, Switzerland, 2014-2015
Providing consulting services in 3D computer vision problems

Computer Vision and Geometry Lab
Prof. Marc Pollefeys, ETH Zurich
Dec 2011 – Jan 2012
Evaluating calibration methods for high-distortion lenses (PointGray LadyBug)
Collaboration with Dr. Kevin Köser and Dr. Friedrich Fraundorfer

Thyssenkrupp Presta Hungary
Budapest, 2007-2008
Calibration toolbox and far-range calibration process for an on-board stereo vision system for autonomous driving, collaborated on camera calibration and stereo data collection
Invited Talks

INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics, Nice, France
Titane Group – Geometric Modelling of 3D Environments
Sep 2015
Invited by Dr. Florent Lafarge and Prof. Pierre Alliez
Presented the VarCity project and related research at the Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Computer Science and Control, Budapest, Hungary
Machine Perception Research Lab of Prof. Tamás Szirányi
Sep 2015
Presented ongoing research on 3D urban modelling at the Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich

Ph.D. studies for the degree Dr. sc. ETH Zurich
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET)
Feb 2012 – Mar 2018
Studied Machine Learning (Prof. Joachim Buhmann) and Geometry Processing with C++ (Prof. Olga Sorkine-Hornung)

5-year integrated M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary (BME)
Sep 2000 – Jun 2005
Major in Embedded Systems, Minor in Applied Informatics
Master Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Motor Control Unit for a Mobile Robot

French Academic Studies Degree
Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales (DEUG)
2-yr studies in Electrical Engineering in french at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

ELTE Radnóti Miklós School
6-grade secondary school of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest
Consistently ranked within top-3 secondary schools in Hungary
Math-physics faculty with honors
Awards / Honors

Finalist for the Best Industry-Related Paper Award at ICPR 2016
from the IEEE International Association of Pattern Recognition in Cancun, Mexico
with the paper “Efficient Volumetric Fusion of Airborne and Street-Side Data for Urban Reconstruction”

Best Paper Award at the I2MTC 2012 Conference
from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society in Graz, Austria
for the paper “Optimization Methods To Calibrate a Stereo Rig with Increased Accuracy”

Youth Award 2008 of the Institute for Computer Science and Control
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA-SZTAKI) in Budapest, Hungary
for research and development work

Supervisor of 2nd-prize work at 2009 Hungarian National Student Conference
in the “Technical sciences” section
for the development of a mobile balancing robot

Supervisor of winning work at the 2008 Scientific Student Conference
of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at TU Budapest (BME)
for the development of a mobile balancing robot

Josef Heim Award 2006
from the László Schnell Foundation in Budapest, Hungary
for an outstanding development work at the Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems, TU Budapest (BME)

Werner Von Siemens Excellence Award 2006
from Siemens Hungary, Budapest
for Master Thesis

3rd Prize of the 2004 Student Conference
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of TU Budapest (BME)
for the work “EMI Filter Design for Suppressing the Switching Noise of Electric Power-Assisted Steering Systems”

Honors of the French Faculty at TU Budapest (2001)
from the European Culture Foundation in Hungary
for excellent studies