I am András, computer vision specialist, software developer, research engineer, nature and wildlife enthusiast, admirer of mountains, fan of computers, science and sci-fi, amazed by how deep learning and AI revolutionizes industry, documentary gobbler, anxious observer of how modern civilization annihilates forests and wildlife, increasingly critical thinker, and recreational winter and summer sport practitioner.
I am working as a computer vision software engineer at NVIDIA, the world leader in GPU and AI computing, where I specialize in new 3D reconstruction technologies with potential applications in AR/VR, robotics, autonomous driving and visual effects (VFX). As a software developer, I mostly work with C++, Python and CUDA. Check out this keynote speech by “Jensen” Huang, CEO of NVIDIA to get an overview of the technologies NVIDIA is creating and of their impact on industry.
I received my Ph.D. degree from ETH Zürich, where I had the pleasure to work on 3D computer vision for urban modelling in the lab of Prof. Luc Van Gool. My research lied on the boundary between 3D vision and geometry processing, involving problems like superpixel segmentation, Structure-from-Motion (SfM), multi-view surface (MVS) reconstruction, photogrammetry, point cloud, height map and mesh processing, texturing, and semantic segmentation. I had the opportunity to work with airborne and large-scale street-side mobile mapping data as well. Watch this project video or feel free to visit my projects for details.
Before ETH, I worked on several other computer vision as well as hardware development projects at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and held courses in embedded systems engineering at Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics. I earned my M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering with a focus on embedded systems and designed and built several microcontroller-based hardware modules in the past.